Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 18th September 2022

‘Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son!’

This week’s readings highlight that God is Lord of the poor, the needy and the oppressed – as well as being the God of those in positions of power and authority. The readings also testify to these two sides of witnessing to our faith.

The prophet Amos gives a powerful message, fiercely condemning social injustice – and especially those who trample on and exploit the needy and impoverished. (First Reading)

Jesus, too, is unambiguous when it comes to the right use of money. Tainted as it is, money has a place in the life of believers. However, it should be used ethically for the greater good of all. (Gospel)

St Paul urges us to lives of prayer. We are to pray for all, including those in positions of political authority, for they have responsibility to care for the vulnerable in society and preserve the peace. God longs for a loving and truthful relationship with all people. (Second Reading

Today’s Psalm, a hymn of praise, glorifies God – in particular because of the care and compassion he shows for the poor and lowly.

This week, we pray for those who hold political and institutional power in our lands, that they may have the courage and integrity to use their power and influence to develop the kingdom of God here on earth. 

We also continue to pray for the peace of the world, and for all who suffer, especially our many sisters and brothers living in abject poverty and powerlessness.