Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year B, 12th May 2024

God is love

On this Sunday, which comes between the Ascension and Pentecost, we continue to follow the development of the infant Church and return to St John’s theme of God’s love for us.

In the First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the disciples come together to discern and pray, so as to chose an apostle to replace Judas. The lot falls to Matthias.

The Psalm is a hymn of praise and describes the love of God that covers the whole universe.

The Second Reading emphasises that God’s love for us is the reason and example for our love for each other. As long as we do this, God will live in us, and will share his Spirit with us.

In the Gospel, taken from Jesus’s priestly prayer to the Father, Jesus prays that the disciples will remain true to his name. As the Father sent Jesus into the world, so he now sends his followers. May they be united in faith and love.

The readings lead us to contemplate the love and unity within the Trinity, a fitting preparation this week as we look towards Pentecost.