Radio MAria New Program: WORD OF LIFE, Enlarging the Space of Our Tent

This is a five-week series beginning on 28th February and continuing through Lent every Tuesday at 11.15am, with Fr Dominic Robinson SJ and Colette Joyce of Westminster Justice and Peace group.

‘Enlarge the space of your tent, spread out your tent cloths unsparingly, lengthen your ropes and make firm your pegs.’ Isaiah 54, 2

In these programmes Fr Dominic Robinson SJ and Colette Joyce reflect on issues which are at the heart of the Kingdom in 2023: poverty, the impact of the cost of living, homelessness, racial justice, the care of creation, the welcome we extend to migrants and refuges, and peace-making. As we journey through Lent we are called to make more space in our hearts and minds as a community of missionary disciples. In reflecting on these challenges we keep our eyes on Jesus, travelling with him towards the cross and the eventual joy of the resurrection.

‘Justice and Peace are at the heart of the Kingdom preached by Jesus. The Church prays that Jesus might accomplish in us: A Kingdom of Truth and Life, A Kingdom of Holiness and Grace, A Kingdom of Justice, Love and Peace. This is an echo of the Beatitudes that Jesus taught. What is difficult is to know how to achieve this…’ Bishop Nicholas Hudson, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster

Fr Dominic Robinson SJ is Parish Priest of The Immaculate Conception Church, Farm Street, and the Chair of the Westminster Diocesan Justice & Peace Commission and Colette Joyce is the Commission’s Coordinator.