Hallam Diocese, pray the Rosary!

By Joseph Durham

The 25 March Feast of the Annunciation was a memorable occasion in the life of the local church when we joined the church universal with Pope Francis for the collegial consecration of Russia & the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

As part of our preparation of the above consecration and following solemn mass at the cathedral Bishop Ralph along with Priests from the city centre churches Fr Chris & Fr Naylor joined over a hundred of the faithful from all over Hallam Diocese to pray the Rosary at the war memorial at Barker’s Pool Sheffield.An initiative of St Marie’s PPC . 

This was a historic occasion not least that the rosary was prayed as an act of public witness by the faithful seeking the intercession of Our Lady at this time of conflict in the Ukraine.

Following this precedent the rosary has continued to be prayed monthly outside Sheffield  city hall besieging the patronage & protection of Our Lady .

This group in Sheffield that gathers fluctuates in numbers . However we are part of a wider national group which prays the rosary outdoors in towns & cities across the UK notably 

outside Leeds & Westminster cathedrals . It is by a happy coincidence that Cardinal Nicoll’s has been known to drop by . 

This nationwide group praying the rosary outdoors is part of www uk prays which promotes the outdoor rosary as public witness to Jesus & Mary .

The primary intention is to pray for the needs & wellbeing of our country and for our bishops, priests & religious. To advance the new evangelisation and the kingship of Christ in the national life of the UK.

The Sheffield group meets to pray the outdoor rosary outside the city hall following mass at the cathedral at 1330 hrs on the second wednesday of the month.

All are Welcome.