Easter Sunday, Year A, 9th April 2023


I have journeyed with Jesus through the sorrow of Holy Week, in whatever way was possible for me.  Now I pray for the grace to know gladness, and the glory and joy of my Risen Lord in this Easter season.

The Easter readings tell of the ways in which the first disciples came to realise the power of Jesus’s resurrection.

The Gospel tells the story of Mary, who goes to the tomb but finds it empty; she runs to the disciples to report her loss.  Peter and John race to see for themselves.  Finally they begin to understand the meaning of Jesus’s words about ‘rising from the dead’.

Peter (First Reading) gives personal witness to Cornelius of the life and death of Jesus; he has eaten with him after his resurrection! Peter proclaims that the forgiveness of the Risen Jesus is for all.

In the Second Reading, Paul stresses that to live the life of a believer is to try to be free from sin, to live in sincerity and truth.

The Psalm celebrates the triumph of God over death in a love that has no end.  We rejoice and are glad! 

This week, then, we might want to pray for our world where such love is much needed.  How might I bring the joy I find in God to others?