Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, 27th August 2023

‘But you, who do you say I am?’

Today’s readings focus on the way God looks on the lowly, the ones who need help.

The Gospel encourages us to reflect on our own faith in Jesus. As we seek to answer truthfully Jesus’s question about his identity, we may also ponder on Peter, a simple fisherman, who is given the keys of the Kingdom and entrusted to build the Lord’s church.

In the First Reading, a lowly servant is also given keys. He is entrusted with authority and will become a father to the nations. The key of the house of David is on his shoulder.

The Psalm expresses the gratitude of a lowly person. In their distress they call and the Lord answers, giving them the strength they need.

St Paul, in the Second Reading, asks several questions that no one can really answer. Thereby he leads us to realise the omnipotence, benevolence and wisdom of God.

This week, like St Paul, we might also want to give glory to the Lord. Through our prayer we trust that God will help and empower the lowly and the needy, whether near at hand or further afield.