Third Sunday of Easter, Year B, 14th April 2024

Lift up the light of your face on us, O Lord

In today’s readings, we celebrate the living Christ, our advocate who dwells with the Father. Through him we are given encouragement to overcome our fearfulness and weakness of faith.

Peter (First Reading) insists that even those responsible for Christ’s death are not without hope. They, too, are called to repent, and turn their face back to God.

In the Second Reading, John reminds the community of believers that the Christian life demands continuous attention to Christ’s teachings. By following this Way of love in our daily life, we will be invited into an ever deepening relationship with God.

Luke continues the Resurrection story as the risen Lord appears to his fearful friends. Jesus bolsters their faith by joining them for a meal. He invites them to touch his body, before finally breaking open the word of Scripture. We, like the disciples, need the risen Christ to comfort and embolden our lives of faith. (Gospel)

The Psalmist has been delivered from anguish and gives thanks to the one God who has listened and released him. It is a prayer of deep trust and confidence in the Lord of all.

In a world both ablaze with the wonders of science and technology and ravished by war and profound injustice, we pray that we may never forget that only you, dear Lord, can ever satisfy our restless, fearful hearts.