Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, 30th July 2023

‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field …’

Today’s readings weave around themes of wisdom, treasure and joy.

When asked in a dream what he desires from God, Solomon chooses ‘a heart to understand how to discern between good and evil.’ God is pleased that Solomon does not seek riches or a long life, so gives him the gift of wisdom (First Reading).

The Psalmist asks the Lord for his consoling love. God’s law means more to him than precious metals.

St Paul explains that the plan now unfolding has been there from the beginning (Second Reading). God chose, and called us all to become ‘true images of his Son’. God wants all who love him and follow his teaching to share in his glory.

In the Gospel Jesus offers three images for God’s kingdom: a treasure we find unexpectedly; a pearl for which we search diligently; a net that gathers us in. They illustrate the priceless value and importance of the kingdom to which all are invited. Jesus also reminds us to hold on to treasures both old and new as we seek God’s kingdom.

This week, we ponder God’s gift of wisdom. We pray that it will guide us to the ‘treasure’: the delight of knowing and loving Jesus, and the riches this brings. We ask God’s help to share that with those we encounter, however we can.