Day Of Prayer for Survivor Of Abuse 2022

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) has highlighted the importance of prayer and suggested to Pope Francis that the worldwide Catholic Church should join together in a day of prayer. The Holy Father has welcomed this initiative.

The Bishops have chosen Tuesday of the 5th Week of Easter as the Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse — 17 May 2022. There were two connected reasons for moving the Day of Prayer from Lent to Easter: this is not a penitential day for the failure of the Church and others to respond to the scourge of abuse but a day of prayer for those who have been abused in a season of hope and new life.

The Isaiah Journey has prepared a range of resources for prayer, action and reflection for use throughout the year which are launched on the day of prayer.

The Isaiah Journey is a working group of the Bishops’ Conference and has grown out of the need for a pastoral-spiritual response to the suffering of victims and survivors of abuse in the Church. Inspired by the writing of the prophet Isaiah, it has three strands: seeking truth; bringing hope; finding healing.

What is important is for the local Church to acknowledge and respond in prayer when it is able rather than restrict its activities to just one day in the year. Much of the material in this resource has been written by and with survivors. Though it is hoped that survivors will be included in any local initiative that may not always be possible.

Prayer for Healing and Reconciliation

Praise to you Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
the source of all consolation and hope.
Be the refuge and guardian of all
who suffer from abuse and violence.
Comfort them and send healing
for their wounds of the body, soul and spirit.
Help us all and make us one with you
in your love for justice
as we deepen our respect for the dignity of every human life.
Giver of peace, make us one in celebrating
your praise, both now and forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

This prayer has been prepared by the Diocese of Northampton. It can be used at Mass and at other times when the community gathers, such as meetings, on the day of prayer and in the days leading up to it. It could begin either on the preceding Sunday or there could be a novena of prayer beginning on Sunday 8 May.


The following two intercessions are offered to parishes. One or both may be included in the Intercessions at Mass celebrated on the Day of Prayer (17 May) and the surrounding days.

  • For all survivors of sexual abuse; may they come to know, once again, the compassionate love of God and find healing and hope in the risen Lord.
  • For all who work in safeguarding; may they place the voice of the survivor at the heart of their service and through their care for others help to build up the Body of Christ.

Other Activities

Prayer and action go together. The day of prayer is not simply a time to pray an intercession but also an invitation to learn, engage and do.

  • Find out about the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency
  • Check that safeguarding information is clearly displayed in the church.
  • Discover local charities which support victims and survivors.
    • Find out about what they do
    • Support their activities or see what opportunities for volunteering
    • Hold a fundraising event for their work.










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