Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year B, 17th March 2024

‘I will write my Law on their hearts’

As Lent draws to a close, each Spring day is gradually suffused with increasing light. All around us, nature is waking up from the long darkness of winter. This Sunday’s readings encourage us to stir from our own darkness and turn towards growth and transformation out of pain and suffering.

The prophet Jeremiah makes a great proclamation: ‘See, the days are coming … when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel’. God’s eternal covenant of love and forgiveness is written deep within our hearts (First Reading).

It is because of this same promise, that Christ became human to share with us in our suffering, forever praying for us and with us (Second Reading). In Christ, all suffering and death are transfigured into growth and new life through his resurrection.

This Sunday’s Psalm would have been familiar to Jesus as he prayed for us during his time on earth, earnestly encouraging us to turn from our sinful ways towards God’s love and compassion.

In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of the personal suffering and death that he will soon be facing. He knows that he could ask his Father to save him from this fate, but instead he willingly makes a choice that leads to our salvation. Jesus invites us to follow his way of living. It is not an easy path to travel, but Christ is always with us, helping and sustaining us.

Let us pray for each other that through God’s infinite grace, we will remain true to the law of love that is written deep within us.