Synod Open Meeting – Hybrid

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Date(s) - 01/12
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


”Enlarge the space of your tent” (Is 54:2)

Following contributions from you and your parish to the Hallam Synod Document, and the production of the national document summarising contributions from all dioceses in England and Wales, you may be aware that the Synod Group at the Vatican has produced a Working Document for the Continental Stage (DCS) of the Synodal Process which is a summary of the contributions from almost all the countries of the world.

Pope Francis has asked us to reflect on this document in the diocese and to see how the themes and responses resonate with us here in Hallam. He is encouraging all of the People of God, both lay and ordained, to continue to be involved in this synodal process.

He has asked us to prayerfully read the document and then focus 3 questions:

  1. what resonates for you in the Document of the Continental Stage?
  2. what difficulties need to be addressed?
  3. what are the priorities and calls to action? (DCS106)

To do this together and to discern our diocesan response we are going to hold a hybrid meeting.

This will be the 1st of December at 7:00-8:30 pm

In-person: at the Hallam Pastoral Centre – Book here
Or virtually: over Zoom – Book Here

To help with our planning participants will need to book on the links above.

We ask that you read the document before the meeting. It can be accessed and download on here: WORKING-DOCUMENT-FOR-THE-CONTINENTAL-STAGE

You should also be able to find a hard copy to borrow at your parish.