Lent Day of Reflection and Prayer with Fr Denis Mc Bride

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Date(s) - 04/03
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Whirlow Spirituality Centre at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit


Fr Denis McBride is a Redemptorist priest, lecturer, author and Publishing Director of Redemptorist Publications. He has studied at great universities under great teachers but he wears his learning lightly. His work is never antiquated, overly academic or built on borrowed insight:what Denis offers is fresh thinking delivered in his inimitable style; charming, down-to-earth and gentle.

The library of Denis’ work majors on two themes:the Gospels and prayer, in the belief that through these a greater personal connection with God can be made. In studying and reflecting on the Jesus of the Gospels, a deeper relationship is gained with the Lord; when this is coupled with an active and personal prayer life, it is little wonder that people are enabled, through Denis’ work, to grow closer to the Redeemer.

Denis’ work is rooted in the ground of human existence – whatever flights he takes into the world of the Gospels, he always returns to the world of everyday, to the humus, the ground of humanity, forever linking everything back to people’s lives, in the mix and muddle of our daily calendar. He has always insisted we should study two books together – the Gospels and the story of our own life. Without that lively connection the Gospels remain a distant memory and our lives remain starved of the sustenance of the word of God. Always we are encouraged to see our own experience reflected in those around us, helping us to empathise and show love to those people that we might have felt we had little or nothing in common with:love and understanding bridge conflicting worlds.

Denis is noted for his eloquence, his humour, his ability to open up the word of God and bring clarity to how to live in society as a Christian and a Catholic. Far from being a distant author and lecturer, living in an ivory tower, Denis has the ability to speak in the language of the marketplace, in what Pope Francis has called “the grammar of simplicity”.

-Please bring your own packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided.
-There is no charge for the day but you may wish to make a donation toward costs.

Bookings can be made on the Formation and Mission Eventbrite page.